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Chilled Gecko

Base Spirit : Rum
This is Lamb's Spiced Rum's signature cocktail, blending apple and lemon with the cinnamon, vanila and lime flavours of this easy to drink spiced rum.
  • 2 Measures of Lamb's Spiced Rum
  • 3 Measures of Cloudy Apple Juice
  • Ice
  • 2 Large Wedges of Lemon
  • 2 or 3 Thin Apple Slices to Garnish
  • Highball Glass
  • Tall Drinking Straw
Fill the Highball Glass with Ice and pour in the Lamb's Spiced Rum. Add the Cloudy Apple Juice, before squeezing the Lemon Wedges over the top of the drink.
Before serving, add the straw, then garnish with one of the squeezed lemon wedges and the Thin Apple Slices.