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Drinkaware - For the facts
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"Once, during Prohibition, I was forced to live for days on nothing but food and water." - W.C. Fields.
Having thrown my first cocktail themed party for Halloween 2003, the information within these pages is based on my experiences of not only learning about and attempting to be become a competent amateur Mixologist, but also from having developed a better appreciation of the spirits being used in the creation of these drinks.
As a person who doesn't drink Ale, Beer, Cider, Lager, Champagne or Wine I will make little or no reference to any of these alcoholic drinks. Quite simply put, I am not in a position to comment or make an imformed judgment. I do however drink Spirits - Primarily Cachaça, Rum, Tequila and Cocktails/Shooters and it is with these drinks in mind that the drinks section of the website has been put together.


Please be aware, the information provided herein is based on the sensible enjoyment and appreciation of spirit based drinks. Alcohol should be enjoyed with responsibility. Any negative impact resulting from the (over)consumption of alcohol is not condoned, especially Drinking and Driving. As anyone who drinks should be well aware, alcohol does impair the judgment of the drinker - even when drunk in small quantities.
For further advice on responsible drinking please visit Talking Alcohol. If you are in America, you can find additional information at and in the UK or Ireland, please go to or, respectively. For those in the European Union, you can visit the European Forum for Repsonsible Drinking ( In addition, several of the websites for the major brands provide advice on responsible drinking.


On a lighter note, no matter what your native tongue is, when drinking with friends, family, etc. raise your glass and toast those around... Cheers!
