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Winner of Golden Rum Barrel Awards Best UK Rum Website 2016
Drinkaware - For the facts
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"Quando o Brasil criar juízo e se tornar uma potência mundial,será a Cachaça, e não o Whisky, a bebida do Planeta." - Sobral Pinto / Jurista Brasileiro.
Roughly translated
"Brazil will be judged to be a world power, when Cachaça overtakes Whisky as the worlds favourite drink ." - Sobral Pinto / Brasilian Scholar.
Cachaça is to Brasil as Vodka is to Russia or Poland and Rum is to the Caribbean. Pronounced Ka-sha-sa, it is produced primarily for the Brazilian home market but is gaining continued popularity in both bars and in the supermarkets here in London, as well as other countries outside of Brazil. This has been achieved most notably through its use as the base spirit in the Caipirinha (Ki-peir-reen-ia) cocktail.
Technically a Rum, Cachaça is distilled from sugarcane juice, unlike most Caribbean Rum's which are often distilled from molasses, the syrupy by-product of processing sugar. Along with the difference in process is the vast number of available Cachaça’s - over 4,000 at the last count and as such it is best considered on its own merits.
The main brands available in the UK are Pirassununga, PITÚ and Sagatiba. Of these, my favourite is Sagatiba, which after a recent major advertising campaign appears to now be the main brand available in most London bars.
Cachaça Distilleries
Cachaça Websites